Crescent Heights Presentation for 600 Alton Road Project

Find out what Crescent Heights plans to do with South Shore Hospital and surrounding lots. YOUR HOST: WAvNA MESSAGE: Neighbors, Many of us have waited, and waited, for more news about the development plans for the South Shore Hospital, 600 Alton Road, and the surrounding lots of land. The wait is over: the property owner, Crescent Heights, is… Read more…

RealShare Industrial Conference

The expansion of the Panama Canal will likely have a dramatic effect on Miami.  In anticipation of the increased volume of cargo coming through the Port of Miami, engineers will begin dredging the port to accomodate the larger panamex ship.  The FECI will also reconnect rail service to the port in the coming months.  All… Read more…

Cafecito & Real Estate

Miami Condo Prices up 24% in October (The Real Deal) The Jills are the “Dynamic Duo” for residential real estate (Miami New Times) Brad Knoefler is an urban revivalist (Miami New Times) Black Thanksgiving is the new Black Friday (Miami Herald) Things are less bad for the City of Miami- Fitch upgrades Miami’s bond rating… Read more…