Miami Today reported last week that the County might have a little extra pocket change to dish out to the Miami Downtown Development Authority to make some improvements to Flagler Street. Last year the DDA commissioned a study of Flagler Street and the study called for “wide sidewalks that are clean, safe, uncluttered and shaded; cohesive design elements such as landscaping, street furniture and art; urban parks, plazas and open space; regularly occurring street festivals and events; and classic trolley service to other downtown destinations.”
Flagler needs a major face-lift. We can start by getting rid of the large business-unfriendly vases that block the storefronts. These planters are killing business for retailers. Anyone driving by cannot see the storefronts-they are completely blocked by the vases. They should be removed immediately and replaced with shade trees (no palm trees please!). Let’s not neglect to mention that the planters are occupying value real estate which could be better utilized by pedestrians and restaurants.
Flagler clearly needs wider sidewalks as well. The apartments downtown are filling up quick and our pedestrian infrastructure needs to keep pace with the growth that our urban core is currently experiencing.